Monday, 29 July 2013

Cinque Terre: an adventure in itself...

Our campsite was called 'Mare Monti' which made me think of a cheerful Italian horse every time we passed through the gates which was nice. Full to the brim but still quiet and friendly. 

The railway line wasn't far, and so we set off for the furthest town 'Riomaggiore' paying a slightly extortionate single fare. When we arrived we were greeted with multiple ATTENZIONE signs and locked gates. Hmph. Many of the paths were closed. After purchasing a €20 obligatory ticket to enter the park environment we had to get back on the train in the direction we'd come, along with half the world's population and half the sun's heat radiating down on us.

Getting off at Corniglio we took the 'path' towards Vernazza; an hour and half hike. Woooooo yeah cool idea for a pretty warm day yeah. Basically, we sweat A LOT. Really. When we reached our destination I realised I hadn't packed my bikini which was a major bummer and there were lots of people in the sea so I had to jump off a rock in my shorts and tie my scarf (which I'd fashioned a hat/turban from) around my chest. It was a good look for me; an attractive day all round. 

Saying goodbye to Monti we headed for France and hit a terrible storm. It chased us the whole way up the motorway and when the clouds finally burst we certainly knew about it. We were thankful to be driving through several tunnels but sometimes it was frightfully scary during the bits in between. The rain slammed down on the windscreen, making our music and speech inaudible and driving slowed to a crawl as it was practically impossible to see. The thunder shook the van and the lightning was FORKING terrible!!!…………..No? Anyway. Luckily there were no accidents but to calm our nerves we stopped for a croissant and a Powerade but they tasted weird, unfortunately.


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